Saturday, August 27, 2011

Good Security Cameras Defined

Security cameras can be known as "spy" or "Closed Circuit Television" cameras - that can be installed in the roof or the walls.

Depending on the set up, the video these cameras record can be sent to a monitoring station for instant viewing, and/or archived on a computer hard drive.

Live video can be viewed by either the managers of the system from afar, and/or designated security guard individuals connected to the cameras. The individual watching can then promptly call for security or Police in case of any strange or criminal activity on screen.

Compare this to the security cameras that are designed purely to record video & save it to a computer hard drive.

Often these cameras are "Un monitored" and can even give you the ability to examine footage from your cell phone.

Attached to each camera are cables taking the video imagery to a computer hard drive - which is then secured for (possible) viewing at a later point.

This may be especially prudent if the premises being recorded has had a break in, and had items stolen - in which case the recorded video may be able to name the perpetrators.

The video shown can become incontestable evidence against arrested people should any case make the judiciary system.

Depending on your central hard disk sizing, configuration and the caliber of the cameras, your video footage can be saved continuously from anything between 3-6 weeks.

The bigger your hard drive, the longer you'll be able to save for.

Most security camera systems now come with at least a 500 Gigabyte hard drive, which can be increased to over 2 Terabytes (at the time of penning this article).

Security cameras improve your protection so much that there is even an industry built around fitting "Fake" cameras - so as to appear as if the premises is protected!

Mr. David Woodhouse has 1000's of happy customers having installed over 2500 monitored alarms in the past 11 years. Geelong Digital Security is his Geelong (Victoria) based security company that offers industry leading guarantees on security systems.

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